Your Instructor Maureen "Hannah" Maher

has been a Holistic Esthetician, Healthcare Practitioner, & Instructor for over twenty years .

Maureen's teaching style is informative, inspirational, and accurate. She discusses every aspect of Buccal Facial Massage to help you not only gain the technical skills and confidence , but also how to handle your clients like a true Professional, and position this Premium Luxury service without the cost investment of expensive equipment, and stand out from the competition to earn top income now! If you have a question for the Instructor prior to enrolling, or at any time throughout the course, email her at [email protected]

Interested in learning but have a budget? Click here to chose our three month partial payment plan

The Most Complete Certification Training in Buccal Facial Sculpting Massage Available Online

Here is an overview of what you will get when you enroll:

  • The Workbook

    Immediate access to a downloadable & printable copy of the full color Workbook containing step by step instructions & close up images of every technique taught in this course, as well as facial muscle and lymphatic system anatomy.

  • Listen, Watch, Practice & Learn!

    Audio lessons with images of each step for every technique plus video demonstrations of a full array of techniques with close ups for you to watch as many times as you need to learn how to perfect each technique.

  • Pricing & Marketing Strategy

    Pricing and Marketing Strategy for this Prestige Treatment to ensure you price this service competitively and earn top income at an hourly rate far beyond what you are making now, and with no additional equipment or product costs.

  • Facial Muscle & Lymphatic System Anatomy Review

    A thorough review of the muscles of the face as well the the location of lymph nodes and drainage pathways of the face to help you plan your treatments to ensure maximum lifting and sculpting results.

  • Develop confidence when explaining to your clients the Immediate Visible Results and Benefits

    A thorough review of the benefits to the layers of the skin and collagen production as well as the health benefits to our client's face including jaw and sinus pain reduction as well as sculpting of facial contours.

  • Learn how to conduct a highly professional Client Consultation & Treatment

    Two important download documents are provided to take the guesswork out of your client consultation: A sample Client Intake Form and a Step by Step Guide to conducting a complete client interview and assessment, treatment, and aftercare to ensure your professionalism, and most importantly, client satisfaction, retention and return.

  • A multiple choice quiz to consolidate your Learning and Earn Your Certificate of Completion

    By creating the most complete training in Buccal Facial Sculpting Massage available, either online or in person, you can earn your Certification by completing the multiple-choice quiz at the end of this course.

  • Advanced Certification to Prove your Expertise

    You have the option of earning Advanced Certification by providing us with a video of you performing a short 20 minute Buccal Facial Sculpting Massage Treatment including client consultation and a full array of appropriate techniques.

Why Learn Online with us?

Buccal Facial Sculpting Massage for facial health and beauty is growing in demand. Whether it be for facial contouring or facial edema and pain, the public is hearing about this incredible new type of facial treatment and want to experience it! Most of my student who learn with me tell me that they chose to study with me because their clients have heard about Buccal Facial Sculpting Massage and they are asking for it. My students are smart and passionate Massage Therapists who want to respond to the this unmet demand. The health and beauty industry is saturated in many areas, but how many services are actually in short supply now? You can set yourself apart form the competition by learning to master Buccal Facial Sculpting Massage and earn anywhere from $175 - $250 per treatment, or more depending on your area, with no expensive products or equipment to buy. Come learn this incredible new form of intra -oral massage that focuses on treating facial muscles to sculpt and lift the cheek are while draining lymph. Provides dramatic improvement to complexion, eliminates jaw pain and lifts the cheek, mouth, and jaw area, while being incredibly relaxing. Attract new clients looking for this expensive and prestige service, dramatically increase revenue, and stand out from your competitors.

How does this course work?

This is a three week course where you can log in and learn at anytime from anywhere each week once each weekly modules are released, starting on May 20th, 2024. You can follow the weekly schedule, or if you are busy you can take additional weeks to complete the course. This is THE MOST COMPLETE ONLINE COURSE in Buccal Facial Sculpting Massage available. It is designed for the holistic minded Esthetician or Massage Therapist who wants to devote a few hours each week to learning this incredible premium service without having to travel to our in-person learning center in Montreal, Canada. We are also planning one day in-person practice days in Toronto and Ottawa for students who wish to benefit from additional in-person training and practice time with the Instructor and with other students who are passionate about this incredibly effective and luxurious holistic beauty service. By pacing yourself, you can learn at a comfortable paced without being overwhelmed and have time to do your hands-on practice, as well as decide how you want to position and market this service to stand out from the competition. The Introduction video on the online course page explains what to expect and you can read the curriculum as well. Your enrollment gives you access to the entire course material for one full year and you can come back to review and watch the demonstration videos as many times as you want. And with the options of a full, three month or six month partial payment plan, learning how to perform and offer Buccal Facial Sculpting Massage in your salon or Spa is affordable and accessible!*

The Workbook & Sample Pages

Below are some before and after pictures of a new client

These images are examples of the results you can achieve for your clients after only one Buccal Facial Sculpting Massage treatment! Notice the reduction of heaviness in the lower cheek and jawline, the clarity in the eye area, and the beginning of her cheekbones reappearing. This client had had buccal fat removal surgery a few years ago, but was left with lumps of edema and fatty tissue that caused her face to have a saggy removed appearance. One 60 minute treatment removed the lump beneath her chin and started her on the happy journey to a younger, healthier appearance.

Click here to enroll now

Course Curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome from your Instructor Maureen Hannah Maher

    • Welcome the the Course from your Instructor Maureen Hannah Maher

  • 2


    • WEEK ONE

    • Welcome to Week 1 with your Instructor Maureen Hannah Maher

    • Download Workbook here

    • Ordering a Synthetic Facial Doll for your Hands-On Practice

    • Video Demonstration - Compilation of all Techniques

  • 3

    Module1. Setting your Prices for Buccal Facial Sculpting Massage as a Premium Service

    • 1.1 Appreciating the Uniqueness and Value of BFSM

    • 1.2 Price Positioning BFSM as a Premium Service

  • 4

    Module 2. Benefits to Skin, Face & Contra-Indications

    • 2.1 Immediate Visible Benefits of Buccal Facial Sculpting Massage

    • 2.2 Health benefits to the Skin

    • 2.3 Health Benefits to the Face

    • 2.4 Health Benefits to Clients who suffer from Facial Edema

    • 2.5 Health Benefits for Clients who Suffer from Facial, TMJ, & Jaw Pain

    • 2.6 Contraindications

  • 5

    Module 3. Comparison to Cosmetic Laser, Botox, and other Lymph Edema and Facial Lifting Services

    • 3.1 Be Informed on Alternative Services

    • 3.2 Working with Filler Injection Clients

    • 3.3 Pros and Cons of Buccal Facial Massage versus Laser Treatments

    • 3.4 Buccal Facial Massage versus Buccal Fat Removal Surgery

    • 3.5 Suggested Frequency of Buccal Facial Sculpting Massage

    • 3.6 Working with Botox Injection Clients

  • 6

    Module 4. Muscle Anatomy & Lymphatic System Review

    • 4.2 How this Treatment Activates & Balances Muscle Tone

    • 4.3 Muscles of the Face

    • 4.4 Download - Muscles of the Face

    • Training Video: Functional Anatomy Muscles of the Jawline

    • Training Video: Functional Anatomy of the Cheeks

    • Training Video: Functional Anatomy of the Muscles of the Lips and Eyes

    • 4.9 Location of Lymphatic System Nodes of the Face and Neck

    • 4.10 Lymphatic System Drainage Pathway of the Face

    • 4.11 Downloads - Lymphatic System of the Face

    • 4.12 Training Video -Anatomy of the Facial Lymphatic System: Learning to Locate Lymph Nodes & Drainage Pathways

  • 7

    Module 5. Examples of Faces with Problem Areas that Benefit from Buccal Facial Sculpting Massage

    • 5.1 Learning to Identify Facial Features that Respond Well to Buccal Facial Sculpting Massage

    • 5.2 Overall Facial Edema

    • 5.3 Eye Area

    • 5.4 Naso-Labial Fold

    • 5.5 Lack of Definition in Jawline

    • 5.6 Puffy Cheeks

  • 8


    • WEEK TWO

    • Welcome to Week 2 with your Instructor Maureen Hannah Maher

  • 9

    Module 6. Beginner Techniques to Drain Excess Lymph and Contour the Cheek Area

    • Cheek Area: Basic Circular Massage Movement to Drain Lymphatics

    • Cheek Area: Basic Circular Massage Movement to Drain Lymphatics

    • Cheek Area: Cheek & Naso-Labial Area: Circular Facial Movements using index finger & thumb

    • Cheek Area: Cheek & Naso-Labial Area: Circular Facial Movements using index finger & thumb

  • 10

    Module 7. Important Techniques for Sculpting the Naso-Labial Area

    • Naso-Labial Fold Area: Semi-Circular Sculpting Movement

    • VIDEO : Naso-Labial Fold Area: Semi-Circular Sculpting Movement (TECHNIQUE NO 8)

    • Naso-Labial / Jaw Area: Lifting Movement from Outer Jaw to Inner NasoLabial Fold

    • Naso-Labial / Jaw Area: Lifting Movement from Outer Jaw to Inner NasoLabial Fold (technique no 6)

    • Naso-Labial / Cheek Area: Lifting Movement from Outer Cheekbone to Inner Naso-Labial Fold

    • Naso-Labial / Jaw Area: Lifting Movement from Outer Jaw to Inner NasoLabial Fold (TECHNIQUE NO 7)

  • 11

    Module 8. Lifting & Sculpting Techniques for the Jawline Area

    • Jaw Area: Jaw Line Definition


    • Jaw Area: Jaw Muscles Circular Activation Movement

    • Jaw Area: Jaw Muscles Circular Activation Movement

    • Jaw Area: Lifting Circular Sweeping Movement using Fingertips

    • Jaw Area: Lifting Circular Sweeping Movement using Fingertips

  • 12



    • Welcome to Week 3 with your Instructor Maureen Hannah Maher

  • 13

    Module 9. Techniques to Drain and Brighten the Eye Area

    • Lifting & Reducing Dark Circles in the Eye Area

    • Lifting & Reducing Dark Circles in the Eye Area (TECHNIQUE NO 12)

  • 14

    Module 10. Techniques to Enhance the Upper & Lower Lip Area

    • Lower Lip Shaping & Filling

    • Lower Lip Shaping & Filling (TECHNIQUE NO 9)

    • Upper Lip Shaping & Filling

    • Upper Lip Shaping & Filling (TECHNIQUE NO 10)

  • 15

    Module 11. Advanced Lifting Techniques

    • Global Cheek Shaping & Draining

    • Global Cheek Shaping & Draining (technique no 11)

    • Advanced two handed movement for overall lifting

    • Advanced two handed movement for overall lifting (technique no 13)

  • 16

    Module 12. Mastering the Art of Client Consultations : Handling your Client Like a Pro & Ensuring her Return

    • 12.1 Introduction with your Instructor: Mastering the Art of Client Consultations

    • 12.2 Client Consultations as a Means of Client Retention and Building your Client Base

    • 12.3 DOWNLOAD DOCUMENT: Step by Step Protocol for Client Orientation & Retention

    • 12.4 Phase 1: Performing your Client Consultation

    • 12.5 Phase 2: Performing your Treatment

    • 12.6 Phase 3: Ending your Client Session to Ensure Her Satisfaction & Re-Booking

    • 12.8 DOWNLOAD - Client Intake Form

  • 17

    Module 13. Video Demonstration of Complete Treatment

    • Full Treatment Video Demonstration with your Instructor

  • 18

    Module 14. Quiz to Earn Your Certificate of Completion in Buccal Facial Sculpting Massage

    • Getting Ready to Complete the Quiz

  • 19


    • Farewell with your Instructor Maureen Hannah Maher

Condition for Achieving Certification

Certification is awarded to students who have completed their payment plan.  If achieving Certification quickly is important to you, then please chose the full payment option upon enrollment.