three monthly payments $135 USD

Read what our students are saying about this course:

" I am so glad I chose your course and have gone over the material many times.  I have learned a lot and know I am just starting to learn!  

So far people who have tried the CMT work have all absolutely loved it. 

For myself I feel as though I am learning a whole new language of the body I have not known before. Having more intention around feeling for bones and not just soft tissue has been an empowering experience and increased my confidence levels in working on the scalp and occiput incredibly. as well as giving me fresh insight into the cranial bones and mechanisms of the craniosacral system."

Watch this Sample Demonstration Video

"Decompacting a Cranial Suture" with Maureen Hannah Maher, your Instructor

If you would like to learn how to incorporate 

Cranial Osteopathy using an biomechanical approach 

 into your Bodywork or Massage Therapy practice, 

this online course is for you!

Based upon the live four day course that Maureen "Hannah" Maher has been teaching to Massage Therapists and Manual Therapy Practitioners for several years, this course is now available to you online in a self-paced format.  Additional private in-person hands-on tutoring to complement your online learning is also available with Maureen at her private studio in Montreal.

This course contains all of the same material as the course Fundamentals of Cranial Osteopathy Part 1. A Biomechanical Approach to Understanding and Assessing the Cranial Mechanism (for Osteopaths/Osteopathic Practitioners) but has two additional chapters that non-Osteopaths need to learn, including important contra-indications and how to incorporate Cranial Osteopathy into your Bodywork or Massage Therapy Treatment.  If you are not an Osteopath or Osteopathic Practitioner, you must chose this course version.

About this course:

As a self paced course, you can enroll now, download the Workbook,  and start learning immediately.   You can progress through each chapter at the speed that suits you.  Each  chapter contains new material that builds upon the next, and contains audio lessons, demonstration videos, quizzes, and homework assignments, that allow you to integrate what you have learnt, not only theoretically, but in a hands-on practical way.  

This course is estimated to be 30 hours, with 15 theoretical learning hours and 15 hands-on practical hours.  Upon enrollment, you have access to all of the course material for one full year (365 days), allowing you watch all 32 training videos as many times as you want and review the course material at your own pace.  The training videos have been digitally mastered to contain several close-ups, so that you can get a clear visual of the hand placement needed for each technique.

What you will learn:

This course will teach you the important Anatomy, Physiology, and Biomechanics of the Cranial Mechanism.  You will begin to develop your palpation skills to locate each bone, suture, and whether each bone in the Cranial Mechanism has full Amplitude, and how to correct Restricted range of motion . An emphasis on Hand Placement and refining your palpation skills is taught through many instructional videos.  You will come away from this course having a solid foundation for understanding and assessing the various aspects of the Cranial Mechanism and how to integrate Cranial Techniques into our Massage Therapy and Bodywork Treatments.

Request One-on-One Calls with your Instructor

Your Instructor makes herself available to all of her students who need a private one-on-one telephone or WhatsApp call to ask any questions or to get individual guidance or feedback.  You can email Maureen at [email protected].

The Workbook:

You will be able to download and print the Workbook that accompanies the live  version of this course immediately upon enrollment. 

Certificates of  Completion

Certificates of  Completion valid for 30 hours are awarded to Participants who complete the course and successfully submit the short Quiz found in each chapter, as well as the hands-on Practice assignments.  Certificates can be submitted to their respective associations for CPDs / CEUs or can be displayed in their clinics.

Who this course is for:

This course is suitable for  all Manual Therapists and Massage Therapists  who have an  interest in learning the basics of Cranial Osteopathy and incorporating it into their Massage Therapy practice.   This is not an energetic based CranioSacral course but rather one that is based on tangible principles of anatomy and physiology and biomechanics. 

Why learn a biomechanical physiological approach to Cranial Osteopathy ?

If you have never studied a  tangible, anatomical approach to treating the cranium, and wish to take a more structured, concrete approach to understanding the Cranial Mechanism and your clinical assessments this course is for you.

If you have already studied an energetic approach, this course will help to round out your knowledge and provide you with the concrete anatomical principles of Cranial Manual Therapy that other energetic approaches do not.

Massage Therapists and manual Therapists who enjoy learning how to incorporate a greater variety of manual therapy techniques into their practice, albeit with a very gentle approach, will enjoy learning these valuable skills.

For those Practitioners who have experience with the more energetic forms of CranioSacral Treatment, such as Uppledger's CranioSacral or the Biodynamic Model are beneficial when seeking a more diffuse and energetic approach to healing, but when you encounter specific conditions such as Congestion Headaches, Vertigo, Sinusitis, Trigeminal Neuralgia, or Upper Cervical Misalignments related to dysfunctions within the anatomical functioning of the Cranial Mechanism, learning how to treat the Cranium from a more concrete biomechanical perspective will provide more tangible and predictable results within your treatments.  Students who have trained and even mastered these more energetic approaches will benefit greatly from this course, as it will round out and complete your education and understanding of the Cranium.

What skills you will take away from this course:

Through this course, you will learn to identify & treat all the major components of the Cranial Mechanism.  You will learn the outline and relative positioning of each cranial bone, the location of each suture, how the cranial mechanism works, how the venous sinus system drains, and more.  You will learn how to treat and correct the cranial mechanism,  how to balance its rhythms in order to be able to provide relief for your patient using a very tangible, scientific, anatomically based approach 

Although this is Part I and designed to give the anatomical and functional basics, you will come away with sufficient knowledge to treat basic conditions such as congestion headaches, fatigue, and includes cranial osteopathy into your treatments where full body alignments is crucial for symptom relief.  

Although this course is designed to give the anatomical and functional basics, you will come away with sufficient knowledge to treat basic conditions such as congestion headaches, fatigue, and includes cranial osteopathy into your treatments where full body alignments is crucial for symptom relief.  

The  downloads and take-away tools:

At the beginning of the course, you can download the printable Workbook.  Then, each chapter contains download of explanations how to perform various assessment or treatment techniques that you can use to guide you through your hands-on practice.  You will then submit these practice sheets as part of your homework requirement to achieve your Certificate.

You also get Unique Assessment Sheets that are very useful tools help you learn how to palpate for and diagnose each component of the Cranial Mechanism in a step by step manner.  These Assessment Sheets help take the guesswork out of palpation and diagnosis.  

This learning approach was designed by Maureen Hannah Maher, the course Instructor, Cranial Osteopath and Massage Therapist, for over fifteen years. 

 Maureen is also the author and instructor of Cranial Osteopathy Part 2 Continuing Fundamentals, which will be available online in 2023, and the complete Advanced Cranial Pathologies series that she teaches in live seminars and workshops to learners who wish to build on the fundamentals of this course and go on to effectively treatment more complex but common cranial pathologies.  But to do this, one needs to start with the fundamentals, which you will acquire in this course.

What you will need:

Access to a printer to print the Workbook and Worksheets for practice

Order a practice skull like the one you see in the videos. 

Three different people in order to practice the skills and techniques that you will learn in each chapter and in order to complete each homework assignment.

Join us online and learn how Cranial Manual Therapy can be incorporated into your Bodywork practice today!

Have a question about this course ?  Please feel free to email us at [email protected] 


Watch this Sample Video

"One of the Top Reasons for Learning Cranial Manual Therapy & Cranial Osteopathy" with Maureen Hannah Maher, your Instructor

Course Curriculum

  • 2

    Workbook Download, Buying a Practice Skull & Other Practical Considerations

  • 3

    Homework Requirements

    • Homework Requirements Section 1: Your In-Clinic Hands-On Practice

    • Homework Requirements Section 2: In Person Group Practice Sessions or Video Submission

  • 4

    Safety, Training Videos and other Practical Considerations

  • 5

    Reasons for Incorporating Cranial Manual Therapy into your BodyWork Treatments

    • Incorporating Cranial Manual Therapy into your BodyWork Treatments

    • Imbalance and Strains on the Nervous Systems Contribute to Dysfunction

    • Allowing the Tissues to " Express Themselves" as Self-Correction

    • Following the Direction of Ease Is a Key to Self-Correction

    • Addressing Fascial Restrictions Decreases Abnormal Tissue Patterns

    • Contributing to the Myofascial Unwinding Process

    • Recommended Interval for Cranial Manual Treatments

    • Quiz - Incorporating Cranial Manual Therapy into Bodywork or Massage

  • 6

    Chapter 1: The History and Concepts of Cranial Manual Therapy

    • Meet the Father of Cranial Manual Therapy William Garner Sutherland, D.O.

    • How this Discovery Happened and Why its Important

    • Cranial Manual Therapy and the History of CranioSacral Therapy

    • The Concept of "Form Determines Function"

    • Quiz - Learning History & Concepts

  • 7

    Chapter 2. The Cranial Bones

    • Introduction to this Chapter

    • Why does a Massage Therapist need to learn about Cranial Bones?

    • Using the Practice Chart

    • Video Demonstration - Overview of the Cranial Bones

    • Video Demonstration - The Occiput

    • Video Demonstration - The Frontal Bone

    • Video Demonstration - The Sphenoid

    • Video Demonstration - The Temporal Bones

    • Video Demonstration - The Parietal Bones

    • Locating the Frontal Bone on your Model

    • Locating the Sphenoid Bone on your Model

    • Grasping the Temporal Bones on your Model

    • Contacting the Occiput on your Model

    • Quiz - Learning about Cranial Bones

    • Practicing becoming familiar with the location of the Cranial Bones

    • DOWNLOAD: Practice Chart Anatomy of the Cranial Bones

    • DOWNLOAD: The Cranial Bones

    • Have you completed the homework assignment for this chapter?

  • 8

    Chapter 3: The Cranial Sutures

    • Is a Suture a Joint?

    • Why are sutures so important anyway?

    • Cranial Suture Anatomy

    • What's in an Name? Locating and Naming the Suture

    • Upper View of the Cranial Sutures

    • Posterior View of the Cranial Sutures

    • Common examples of suture pathology & their role in Cranial Dysfunctions

    • VIDEO DEMONSTRATION: locating the sutures

    • VIDEO DEMONSTRATION: locating the Occipito-Temporal Suture

    • VIDEO DEMONSTRATION: locating the sutures - posterior view

    • Instructions for Treating Suture Compaction with the V Spread Technique

    • VIDEO DEMONSTRATION Treating Suture Compaction with the V-Spread Technique

    • Quiz - Learning about Sutures

    • Instructions how to complete homework

    • HOMEWORK & DOWNLOAD: Practicing Suture Anatomy

    • HOMEWORK & DOWNLOAD: Instructions for Treating Suture Compaction

    • Have you completed the homework assignment for this chapter?

  • 9

    Chapter 4: The Cranial Connective Tissue / Meninges

    • Meninges ? Another word for Cranial Connective Tissue

    • The Structure of the Cranial Connective Tissue

    • What do they do? Functional Anatomy of Cranial Meninges

    • How Impairment of Cranial Meninges Affects Function of the Cranial Mechanism

    • The Role of Meninges in the Cranio-Sacral System

    • The Concept of Reciprocal Tension Membranes

    • The Falx Cerebri and the Tentorium Cerebelli

    • The Vault Hold and Treating the Cranial Meninges

    • VIDEO DEMONSTRATION: Global Vault Hold in Treating the Cranial Meninges

    • VIDEO DEMONSTRATION: Superior Vault Hold to Treat the Parietal Region

    • VIDEO DEMONSTRATION - Occipital Vault Hold to Release the Tentorium Cerebelli & Brainstem

    • Quiz - Learning about Cranial Connective Tissue

    • Instructions how to complete homework

    • HOMEWORK & DOWNLOAD: Practicing the Vault Hold Procedures in Treating Cranial Meninges

    • Have you completed the homework assignment for this chapter?

  • 10

    Chapter 5: The Primary Respiratory Mechanism

    • The Primary Respiratory Mechanism according to Sutherland

    • What purpose does the CerebroSpinal Fluid serve ?

    • Why is the discovery of the Primary Respiratory Mechanism important?

    • What is the Cranial Rhythmic Impulse ?

    • How the Primary Respiratory Mechanism Works

    • What is the Sphenobasilar Symphysis ?

    • What happens during Flexion ?

    • What happens during Extension ?

    • VIDEO DEMONSTRATION Global Movement of the SSB in Flexion and Extension

    • VIDEO DEMONSTRATION - Palpation & Hand Placement of Occiput & Sphenoid in Flexion and Extension (SSB)

    • VIDEO DEMONSTRATION - Palpation & Hand Placement of Frontal in Flexion and Extension

    • VIDEO DEMONSTRATION - Palpation & Hand Placement of Temporals in Flexion and Extension (Side View)

    • VIDEO DEMONSTRATION - Palpation & Hand Placement of Temporals in Flexion and Extension ( Top View)

    • VIDEO DEMONSTRATION - Palpation & Hand Placement of PARIETALS in Flexion and Extension

    • Quiz - Learning about the Primary Respiratory Mechanism

    • HOMEWORK & DOWNLOAD: Practicing Palpating for the Cranial Rhythmic Movement

    • Have you completed the homework assignment for this chapter?

  • 11

    Chapter 6. Learning to Assess the Amplitude of Cranial Rhythms

    • What is Amplitude of the Cranial Rhythm?

    • Other Aspects of the Cranial Rhythm

    • What does Full Amplitude of the SSB feel like ?

    • What is Restricted Range of Motion?

    • Learning what Restricted Range of Motion feels like

    • Video Demonstration - Step 1. Palpate for Amplitude of the Sphenoid

    • Video Demonstration - Step 2. Palpate for Amplitude of the Sphenoid & Occiput

    • Video Demonstration - Step 3. Palpate for Amplitude of the Frontal & Occiput

    • Video Demonstration - Step 4. Palpate for Amplitude of the Temporals

    • Video Demonstration - Step 5. Palpate for Amplitude of the Parietals

    • VIDEO - Introduction with your Instructor

    • VIDEO DEMONSTRATION Overall Palpation Assessment on a Live Model

    • Quiz - Learning to Assess the Primary Respiratory Mechanism

    • HOMEWORK: Learning to Palpate the Cranium Rhythm Phases of Flexion & Extension & Restricted Amplitude

    • Have you completed the homework assignment for this chapter?

  • 12

    Chapter 7: The Cranial Venous Sinus System (CVSS)

    • What is a Cranial Sinus and why are they Important to Cranial Osteopathy?

    • What is a Cranial Sinus and why are they important to Cranial Osteopathy?

    • A Flowing System: the Structure of Venous Sinuses

    • What's a Ventricle? Locating the Ventricles of the Brain

    • A Summary of the 3rd and 4th ventricles Role in Intra-Cranial Congestion

    • Lets review the Main areas of Drainage of the Cranial Venous Sinus System

    • Examples of Functional Pathologies of the Venous Sinus System

    • Health Benefits of CV4 Technique

    • Palpation Protocol for Dysfunctions of the Venous Sinus System

    • VIDEO - Introduction with your Instructor

    • VIDEO DEMONSTRATION Palpating for Dysfunctions of the Venous Sinus System & using the CV4 Technique

    • HOMEWORK & DOWNLOAD: Practice Protocol to for Identifying Dysfunctions the Cranial Venous Sinus System on a Patient

    • Have you completed the homework assignment for this chapter?

    • Quiz - Learning about the Cranial Venous Sinus System

  • 13

    Chapter 8: The Cranial Osteopathy Assessment Chart & Your Homework

    • The Cranial Osteopathy Assessment Chart & the Advantages of Using a Charting Method in your Practice

    • Using the Cranial Diagram

    • Charting the SphenoBasilary Symphesis - Optional Chart

    • Homework & What Your Goals Should Be

    • Homework Formats Available for Download

    • Homework #1: Anatomy of the Cranial Bones

    • Homework #2: Name the Suture

    • HOMEWORK 3: Treating Suture Compaction

    • Homework chapter #3: Treating Suture Compaction

    • HOMEWORK #4: Practicing the Vault Hold Procedures in Treating Cranial Meninges

    • HOMEWORK #5: Practicing Palpating for the Cranial Rhythmic Movement

    • HOMEWORK #6: Learning to Palpate the Cranium Rhythm Phases of Flexion & Extension & Restricted Amplitude

    • HOMEWORK #7: Practice Protocol to for Identifying Dysfunctions the Cranial Venous Sinus System on a Patient

    • HOMEWORK & DOWNLOAD: Using the Chart to Assess the Spheno-Basilary Symphesis

    • Checklist before submitting your Homework

    • Where & How to Submit your Homework

  • 14

    Course Evaluation

    • Download the Course Evaluation & Feedback Form here

  • 15

    About your Instructor

    • Maureen Norah Maher, BA, DOMP, RMT

Here is what some students are saying about this course:

"I learned alot!  My clients are really loving the results I am giving them.  They often say they feel very relaxed.  I only wish I could treat myself!"

Lucia, Toronto, Canada

"This course so far has given me really clear plans on how to assess and treat specific areas."

Carly, UK

"I always wanted to learn how to include cranial treatments into my massages because alot of my clients suffer from headaches.  This course gave me just that!

David, Vancouver

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About the instructor

Massage Therapy Instructor

Maureen Norah Maher

Maureen has been a Massage Therapist since 2005 and a Manual Osteopathic Practitioner since 2002. Her passion for treating Cranial Dysfunctions started when she studied Neurology and Psychology at Mc Gill University in Montreal, Canada. After successfully treating hundreds of clients she was asked to create a course in Cranial manual Therapy at a new school in Toronto. This began her journey into the world of continuing education. Maureen went on to create several courses that she has taught across Canada and throughout the world, both in person and now online.