Did you know that there is a worldwide shortage of Osteopaths who are trained to treat effectively treat Pediatric Osteopathic Dysfunctions?

By specializing, you can build your patient list and fulfill your CEU/ CPD requirements by focusing your practice on the fascinating, satisfying, and emerging field of PEDIATRIC OSTEOPATHY.

About this course:

This course is part of our Pediatric Osteopathy Masters Certification Program.  It can be taken as part of the Masters Program or alone if you wish to learn about the important aspects of Cranial Osteopathy in newborns, including the Mechanics of the Birthing Process, Pediatric Cranial Dysfunctions, Torticolis, and Cranial Moulding Protocols.   The detailed course curriculum can be found lower down on this page.  The course also includes three full length pre-recorded Webinars, practice assignments, and case studies.  This course is worth 35 hours of CEU/CPDs.  

This course contains four main modules and associated webinars:

1. The Mechanics of the Birthing Process

2. Pediatric Cranial Dysfunctions

3. Congenital Torticolis

4. Cranial Moulding Treatment Protocols

Since this course is self-paced, you will be able to access the modules, demonstration videos, and webinars at any time and learn at our own pace.   Once you have completed the course, you can still log in and review the course material for one full year.   

Your learning experience  includes audio lessons, lesson handouts that you can download and print, video demonstrations of individual techniques and complete Treatment Protocols for each condition.  

Your homework:

 In addition to the audio lessons and video demonstrations, you will also practice some hands-on assignments and use the protocol sheets provided to write your notes and submit them to earn your CEUs/CPDs. 

 Interesting and relevant case studies are also provided and are part of your homework.

This multi-format learning style allows you to truly integrate what you have learned in the audio and video lessons.

Homework Practice Sheets, Assessment Forms, and Step-by-Step Treatment Protocols are all provided.

Because of the hands-on aspect of this course, you need to have access to infants an newborns within your practice or within your community if you are just starting in Pediatrics.

The Workbook:

The Workbook which has undergone a complete revision in 2021.  You will have access to portions of the Workbook provided to you in each corresponding module that you can download and print for future reference in years to come.  


All  of our Pediatric Osteopathy courses are more advanced online courses and are designed for fully trained and experienced Osteopaths.  Enrollment in this program requires competency in the classical Biomechanical Approach  (Sutherland) to Cranial Osteopathy.  Energetic style courses such as Uppledger CranioSacral or Biodynamics alone are not sufficient. In order to be considered fully trained and exempts from our pre-requisite, you must have received a minimum 100 hours of classroom training in a biomechanical approach to Cranial Osteopathy and at least two years of clinical experience treating cranial cases.  

 If you have some prior training in a CranioSacral or BioDynamic model, but do not fulfill our pre-requisite, you can enroll in our Cranial Osteopathy online course Fundamentals of Cranial Osteopathy, which is a self paced course.  Click here to visit that course page.  You can also read further about this pre-requisite in the Frequently Asked Questions section of our Pediatric Osteopathy Certification Program. click here.

If you have already had a thorough training in Cranial Osteopathy through a three to five year in-person Osteopathy diploma program, and believe that you should be exempt from this pre-requisite, please email our Educational Director at [email protected] prior to enrolling in this course.  Please note that we do not provide refunds to students who enroll and refuse to fulfill the pre-requisite as we consider it our duty to ensure our students are adequately trained in order to safely work on the public.

If you are an Allied Healthcare Practitioner such as a Physiotherapist, Chiropractor, Athletic Therapist with a focus on Pediatrics,  you must also have training in classical Cranial Osteopathy.   Enrolled students will be asked to provide proof of completed training for this important pre-requisite.

Option for non -qualified Practitioners to take our Cranial Osteopathy online course concurrently 

Practitioners who wish to enroll in this course  and do not meet the pre-requisite requirements in Cranial Osteopathy can concurrently enroll in our course Fundamentals of Cranial Osteopathy. 

Why study online with us?

Your Instructor and Author of this course is a female Osteopath who, over the last fifteen years,  has had the privilege of assisting hundreds of pregnant women and their children to overcome many of the dysfunctions that you will find in an Osteopathic Clinic.  She has taught this course many times live to Osteopaths and is known for having a engaging, yet knowledgeable teaching style.  Her fondness for mentoring Osteopaths become adept and sensitive to the needs of Pregnant Moms and their Children is communicated throughout the entire course.  


What you will need:

1) You will need to purchase a soft, pliable doll (like the one in the video shown above) to practice the individual techniques on.

2) You will need to recruit some volunteer Birthmothers and their Infants  for you to be able to do your hands-on practice assignments.  

3)  You will also need access to a printer.

If your goal is to complete the Pediatric Osteopathiy Certification Program with us, you should complete this Part 1 course first, and submit your homework assignments.  You can then  enroll in any of the other courses in this series.


For Practitioners who need training in Biomechanical Cranial Osteopathy as a pre-requisite:

  • $395.00

    $395.00Part 1. The Fundamentals of Cranial Osteopathy: A Biomechanical Approach to Understanding & Assessing the Cranial Mechanism (30 hrs) self paced - start anytime

    Buy Now

Cranial Osteopathy Options

This course requires a solid foundation in Cranial Osteopathy.  We understand that training in Cranial Osteopathy as part of a Practitioner's basic DO or DOMP diploma might or might not include this important aspect of osteopathic practice depending on the school you studied with or the country that you reside in.  

In order to assist our students who have a strong desire to learn Pediatric Osteopathy, you can request to enroll in the Fundamentals of Cranial Osteopathy course which  you can complete at your own accelerated pace. This course can be completed in one month tor two months with weekly practice.

Questions?  Email us at [email protected]

Course Curriculum

  • 2

    Module. 1 The Mechanics of the Birthing Process

    • Module 1

    • The Mechanics of the Birthing Process

    • Anatomical Development of the Cranium in Newborns

    • Common Causes of Cranial Injury in Newborns

    • What Cranial Mechanisms can be negatively affected ?

    • Damage Caused by Compressive Forces

    • Pulmonary Respiration at Birth & the Primary Cranial Mechanism

    • How permanent are birth injuries?

    • Mechanical Integrity of the Birthmother’s Pelvis

    • DOWNLOAD: Major Stages of the Birthing Process

    • Homework: Practicing Simulating the Mechanics of the Birthing Process

    • Download

    • Homework to be submitted

    • Have you completed the homework assignment for this chapter?

  • 3

    Webinar - Understanding the Birthing Process

    • Info about this Webinar

    • Webinar - Understanding the Birthing Process

  • 4

    Module 2 - Overview of Common Pediatric Cranial Dysfunctions

    • Module 2

    • Why review the Cranial Mechanism?

    • VIDEO: Review of the Cranial Mechanism

    • Plagiocephaly or Compression of the Occiput

    • Etiology of Plagiocephaly

    • Antero – posterior compression

    • Etiology of Antero – posterior compression

    • Lateral Strains

    • Etiology of Lateral Strains

    • Transverse compression

    • Intro to video Cranial Abnormalities at Birth

    • video - Cranial Abnormalities at Birth

    • Intro to video - General Cranial Assessment of a Newborn

    • video - General Cranial Assessment of a Newborn

    • Cranial Nerves Associated with Newborn Cranial Trauma

    • DOWNLOAD - Table of Cranial Nerves Associated with Newborn Birth Trauma

    • Homework to be submitted

    • Have you completed the homework assignment for this chapter?

    • Have you completed the homework assignment for this chapter?

  • 5

    Module 3 - Congenital Torticolis & Associated Conditions

    • Module 3

    • Overview of Congenital Torticolis

    • Etiology of Congenital Torticolis

    • Plagiocephaly & Congenital Torticollis

    • Cranial Patterns related to Congenital Torticolis

    • Why so much emphasis on cranial corrections when treating torticolis?

    • How to Assess for Various Forms of Congenital Torticolis

    • Four Step Treatment Protocol for Torticolis

    • Protocol-For-Congenital-Torticolis

    • DOWNLOADS - Basic Protocol for Treating Congenital Torticolis & Worksheet

    • WORKBOOK DOWNLOAD - Congenital Torticolis

    • Homework to be submitted

    • Have you completed the homework assignment for this chapter?

  • 6

    Webinar - Congenital Torticolis

    • Info about this Webinar

    • Webinar - Congenital Torticolis

  • 7

    Module 4 - Cranial Moulding Treatment Protocols

    • Module 4

    • How Cranial Moulding is Viewed within the Medical Field

    • Cranial Moulding Helmets and Osteopathic Treatment

    • Why Parents Seek Alternatives to Helmets to Achieve Cranial Moulding

    • Why Parents Seek Alternatives to Helmets to Achieve Cranial Moulding

    • Introduction to the Video

    • video - General Cranial Assessment of a Newborn

    • Designing a Treatment Plan

    • Key Points to remember during a Pediatric Cranial Moulding Treatment

    • Cranial Moulding Osteopathic Treatment Protocol

    • Cranial Moulding Occipital Correction Technique

    • Cranial Moulding Frontal Correction Technique

    • Cranial Moulding Vault Molding Technique

    • Cranial Moulding Treatment Protocol

    • Subsequent Cranial Moulding Treatments

    • DOWNLOADS - Cranial Moulding Protocol & Worksheet

    • Homework to be submitted


    • Have you completed the homework assignment for this chapter?

  • 8

    Webinar - Cranial Moulding Treatment Protocols

    • Webinar - Cranial Moulding Treatment Protocols

  • 9

    Cranial Case Studies

    • How to Use the Cranial Mapping Chart

    • Homework: Practicing a Case Study of Unresolved Plagiocephaly

    • Homework: Practicing a Case Study of Torticollis

    • Mapping Brain Function


  • 10

    Homework Assignments Checklist

    • Summary of Homework Assignments to be Submitted - Use this as a Checklist to Ensure that You Have Completed all Assignments

    • Download - Homework Checklist

    • Important Notice regarding homework feedback from your Instructor

  • 11

    About your Instructor

    • Maureen Norah Maher, BA, DO(Qc), DOMP Osteopath Practitioner and Educator

    • How to Contact us

Enrollment, Awarding of Certificates, and Non-Refund Policy:

Enrollment in all ICEO courses are non- refundable. It is the responsibility of every potential student to read the course curriculum to determine if this course material and its level suits their needs and expectation.

If for an unforseen and  valid personal or medical reasons, with written proof provided, a student may apply to transfer their enrollment to the same course the next time it is offered.  An administration fee of $150 applies to all re-enrollments in addition to any outstanding applicable enrollment fees. 

 Any student who falls behind in the online course without submitting any or an adequate number of  homework submissions must apply to be enrolled in a future dated course, according to the discretion of our Educational Director and the Instructor for this course, Maureen N. Maher.  

Extensions are not granted to students who have forfeited a majority of the course or have not submitted homework assignments.  Extensions to submit homework assignments are granted only for brief delays and will exceed no more than one month past the final due date for all homework assignments.  

The awarding of Certificates of Completion depends upon the successful submission of homework assignments according to due dates, and must clearly demonstrate the understanding and ability to apply knowledge gained in this course and is according to the discretion of the Instructor.  

Professional ethical conduct is required of all students who enroll in ICEO courses and who wish to complete them successfully.  

ICEO reserves the transfer the enrollment of a Practitioner who is not a fully trained Osteopath or Manual Osteopathic Practitioner to the version of this course intended for non Osteopaths. 

About the instructor

Educational Director & Instructor

Maureen Hannah Maher

Since Maureen began teaching, she found that not only does she have a natural gift for it (her parents were both teachers, so let hear it for genetics!), she found that she also holds a great desire to give back to the community and a profession that has been so fulfilling to her, and share over twenty years of acquired experience and knowledge.   Maureen brings extensive knowledge in Osteopathy  to her educational seminars.  Throughout her career which began in Montreal in 2003, Maureen has been an accredited member in good standing in several provinces across Canada, including the CPMDQ (Quebec), OsteopathyBC (British Columbia), OFOP (Ontario) and SCMMAC (Quebec). Like many classically trained Manual Osteopaths in Canada, Maureen wrote a thesis as part of her Osteopathy training. Hers was within the field of Cranial Osteopathy, on the Prevalence of Muscle and Myofascial Chain Link Dysfunctions and the Temporal Bone. Maureen was also an Associate Overseas member of the Australian Osteopathic Association (AOA) from 2008 to 2011.  After undergoing accreditation evaluation for foreign trained Osteopaths in Perth, Western Australia, Maureen was offered a position in one of Singapore's leading Osteopathic Clinics, giving her the distinction of having been the first Canadian trained Osteopath to be approved to practice  in South East Asia.   Right before the worldwide economic collapse in 2010, Maureen was offered a position in Shanghai China, which required accreditation with the GOSC, UK, which she began, but as prevailing economic conditions worsened, the position was put on hold, and Maureen decided instead to settled in Toronto, Canada, where after reluctantly accepting a poorly paid teaching contract, her students began asking her to design courses in more specialized subjects within Osteopathy, including Women's Health and Pediatrics.  It was not long after that Maureen founded the Center for Continuing Education of Osteopathy & Manual Therapy where she continued to innovate every day! Today, Maureen still teaches continuing education courses in specialized fields of Osteopathic Manual Therapy. Her students say that Maureen's teaching style is animated, engaging, but most importantly, informative.  Her gift lies in communicating complex theories in simple terms and analogies.  Her students come away with a clear grasp of Osteopathic concepts for treatment, and practical knowledge of how to apply them.  In more recent years, Maureen has created online versions of some of her most popular courses, and it is thanks to this new era of online learning that Osteopaths throughout Canada and throughout the world have been able to use Maureen's teachings and treatment protocols to help women, infants, and the general public find relief from the bodily dysfunctions that are so amenable to osteopathic manual treatments. Practitioners who enroll in any of our continuing education courses can contact Maureen at any time by email or pre-arranged phone call with clinical questions.  As a result, many Osteopaths worldwide still consult with her today regarding challenging Osteopathy cases.  


 "I want to thank you for the course information. I definitely became more confident in treating newborns and toddlers since taking this course and I appreciate that."

Jack M., Manual Osteopathic Practitioner, Ontario, Canada

Other available courses in this series:

  • $425.00

    $425.00Part 2. Assessment Approaches in Pediatric Osteopathy (40 hours CEUs/CPDs)

    Buy Now
  • $395.00

    $395.00Part 3. Digestive & Feeding Disturbances in Pediaric Osteopathy (30 hours CEUs/CPDs)

    Buy Now
  • $395.00

    $395.00Part 4. Orthopedic Dysfunctions in Pediatric Osteopathy (30 hours CEUs/CPDs)

    Buy Now

Or chose the bundle containing all four courses with a six month partial payment plan

  • 12 x $135.00

    12 x $135.00PEDIATRIC OSTEOPATHY CERTIFICATION PROGRAM - now accepting enrollments for March/April 2025 cohort

    click here