This Certification Program is the most complete training program in Pediatric Osteopathy available online today.

 It will  provide you with an in depth knowledge and ability to effectively treat the most important dysfunctions within Pediatric Osteopathic Treatment


Infant Diagnostics including Evaluation, Palpation and Physical Assessment 

 Understanding the Birthing Process and Cranial Abnormalities at Birth

Torticolis and various forms of Plagiocephaly and planning Cranial Moulding Protocols

Digestive Disturbances including Reflux and Constipation
Latching and Feeding Difficulties 

Orthopedic Upper and Lower Limb Dysfunctions

(scroll down to read the detailed curriculum)

Enrollment in this Program requires pre-approval from our Educational Director.  Email us at [email protected] to set up your Zoom meeting.

Why apply to enroll now?

Did you know that there is a worldwide shortage of Osteopaths who are trained to treat Pediatric Osteopathic Dysfunctions.

By specializing, you can build your patient list and fulfill your CEU/ CPD requirements by focusing your practice on the fascinating, satisfying, and emerging new field of PEDIATRIC OSTEOPATHY.

This  Program contains:

-  fifteen course modules  -

-  eight full length pre-recorded Webinars 

- downloadable copies of individual treatment protocols

- printable portions of the updated Workbook available as weekly hand-outs  

-  seven full length videos of complete treatment protocols

-  over fifty individual  demonstration videos of specific treatment techniques 

- a full PDF desktop version of the newly updated Workbook to download and keep at the end of the course.   

- a one hour private coaching session via Zoom with the Instructor with the option for additional paid sessions


You will be accredited for:

35 online learning hours

 25 hands-on practice hours


How the course works:

This Program has been set up for mature Practitioners who are comfortable and ready to enrol in a six to twelve month program that is self paced, meaning that you can progress through each module at your own accelerated pace.  If you learn one module per week, you can complete the Program in as little as six months.  If you take up to two weeks to learn each module, you can take up to one year.  Certification is awarded to students who complete the Program and submit all of their homework assignments successfully within one year at the most.  

Homework to complete the program and achieve Certification  include:

-eight written submissions based on your hands-on practice time

-  three theoretical case studies

- one short video demonstrating your hands-on practice

   - one live coaching and feedback session with the Instructor via Zoom

The Workbook: 

The Workbook has undergone a complete revision in 2021, and is now over one hundred pages.  You will have access to portions of the Workbook provided to you in each corresponding module that you can download and print for future reference in years to come.  You will also be able to download and keep the entire Workbook at the end of the course.


This Program is one of our more advanced online courses and is designed for fully trained and experienced Osteopaths.  Enrollment in this program requires competency in the classical (Sutherland) biomechanical model of Cranial Osteopathy.  If you are not a classically trained Cranial Osteopath, scroll down to read about our pre-requisites and  your options to concurrently enroll in our Cranial Osteopathy online course.

In order to be eligible to enroll immediately in this course, you must be an Osteopath DO or Osteopathic Practitioner DOMP with a minimum of 30 hours of classroom training in Classical Cranial Osteopathy (Sutherland) as is often included in many DO and DOMP programs.  Elective courses in Uppledges CranioSacral Therapy or Biodynamic Cranial Therapy (or similar approaches) do not qualify.  Also, if you are an Allied Healthcare Practitioner such as a Physiotherapist, Chiropractor, Athletic Therapist, ect, you must also have training in classical Cranial Osteopathy.   Enrolled students will be asked to provide proof of completed training for this important pre-requisite.

Option for non -qualified Practitioners to take our Cranial Osteopathy online course concurrently 

Practitioners who wish to enroll in this Pediatric Osteopathy Certification Program  and do not meet the pre-requisite requirements in Cranial Osteopathy can concurrently enroll in our course Fundamentals of Cranial Osteopathy. You will find course option below.  Students who must chose this option must successfully complete the Cranial Osteopathy online course before being awarded the Pediatric Osteopathy Certification.

Why study online with us?

Your Instructor and Author of this course is a female Osteopath who, over the last fifteen years,  has had the privilege of assisting hundreds of pregnant women and their children to overcome many of the dysfunctions that you will find in an Osteopathic Clinic.  She has taught this course many times live to Osteopaths and is known for having a engaging, yet knowledgeable teaching style.  Her fondness for mentoring Osteopaths become adept and sensitive to the needs of Pregnant Moms and their Children is communicated throughout the entire course.  

What you need to do to complete this Program successfully: 

First you must determine whether you are eligible to directly enrol in this course or must also take our Cranial Osteopathy course.

You must submit all of your homework assignments, have them reviewed and accepted as complete by the Instructor before being awarded your Certificate of Completion.  

You will have online access and be able to review the material or watch the demonstration videos over and over, for a total of one year, or twelve months.  

Your learning experience  includes over fifty demonstration videos of individual techniques, as well as demonstrations of complete Treatment Protocols.  You can go back and watch the demonstration videos as many times as you want for the duration of the Program.

 Advanced concepts and treatment protocols are discussed in audio format along with images and text for each condition.  Interesting and relevant case studies are also reviewed and are part of your homework.

Full length webinars are previously recorded and give you a broader perspective on how to manage  pediatric patients in your clinic across a variety of conditions.

The eight Webinars are all at least 90 minutes in length  with the Instructor, Maureen Hannah Maher, Educational Director, that helps to enrich and round out your learning of each course module.

There is approx 35 hours on-line learning with teaching in audio and video format accompanying each page, technique, and treatment protocol, twenty hours of webinars to watch, and an additional 25 hours of homework assignments in the form of clinical practice related to each chapter, making this Program a total of CPD 60 hours.

Homework Practice Sheets, Assessment Forms, and Step-by-Step Treatment Protocols for you to practice each week at your clinic are provided to you to download at the end of each chapter.   

Requirements to achieve a Certificate of Completion in Pediatric Osteopathy

You must be a fully qualified graduate of an Osteopathy training program to be eligible to participate in this post graduate continuing education online course.  If you are an allied healthcare professional and wish to take this course, please forward your resume and copy of credentials to our Educational Director at [email protected] for consideration.

All Students must complete the course chapter homework practice assignments and submit them  according to the course schedule.  Homework submissions are then reviewed by the instructor for this course and feedback is given.  All homework assignments must be successfully completed in order to be eligible to receive a Certificate of Completion.  

Please note that due to the medically important and sensitive nature of Pediatric Osteopathy, we at the ICEO, in keeping with international norms of Pediatric Osteopathy training,  hold a higher standard for awarding Certificates for this course than for some of our other entry level post-graduate level courses.  

If you are ready to start the Program, send an email to [email protected] confirming your training and requesting to enroll.

What you will need:

You will need to purchase a soft, pliable doll (like the one in the video shown above) to practice the individual techniques on, well as hopefully recruit some volunteer Birthmothers and their Newborns for in-clinic practice.  A schedule of exact dates each chapter and subject will be released is included in the Introduction, so you can pre-arrange for appropriate volunteers to practice on.  

You will also need access to a printer.


For Practitioners who wish to take a separate course in Biomechanical Cranial Osteopathy

  • $395.00

    $395.00Part 1. The Fundamentals of Cranial Osteopathy: A Biomechanical Approach to Understanding & Assessing the Cranial Mechanism (30 hrs) self paced - start anytime

    Buy Now

Cranial Osteopathy Options

This course requires a solid foundation in Cranial Osteopathy.  We understand that training in Cranial Osteopathy as part of a Practitioner's basic DO or DOMP diploma might or might not include this important aspect of osteopathic practice depending on the school you studied with or the country that you reside in.  

In order to assist our students who have a strong desire to learn Pediatric Osteopathy, you can request to enroll in the Fundamentals of Cranial Osteopathy course which  you can complete at your own accelerated pace. This course can be completed in one month tor two months with weekly practice.

at ceosteopathy@! to discuss.

Course Curriculum

  • 1

    INTRO Welcome from author

    • A Word of Welcome from your Instructor and some Inspirational Thoughts

    • The Goal - What we hope you will take away from this online course

    • How the Course Curriculum Works

    • Planning your practice sessions & submitting your homework

    • Questions regarding course content for the Instructor

    • Some Important Comments from your Instructor Regarding your Homework & Certificates of Completion

    • Principles of Pediatric Cranial Osteopathy

    • Where does Cranial Osteopathy fit into this approach?

  • 2

    Module. 1 The Mechanics of the Birthing Process

    • Module 1

    • The Mechanics of the Birthing Process

    • Anatomical Development of the Cranium in Newborns

    • Common Causes of Cranial Injury in Newborns

    • What Cranial Mechanisms can be negatively affected ?

    • Damage Caused by Compressive Forces

    • Pulmonary Respiration at Birth & the Primary Cranial Mechanism

    • How permanent are birth injuries?

    • Mechanical Integrity of the Birthmother’s Pelvis

    • DOWNLOAD: Major Stages of the Birthing Process

    • Homework: Practicing Simulating the Mechanics of the Birthing Process

    • Download

  • 3

    Webinar - Understanding the Birthing Process

    • Info about this Webinar

    • Webinar - Understanding the Birthing Process

  • 4

    Module 2. Infant Developmental Milestones

    • Why use the Tables of Developmental Milestones and the Tables of Observations

    • What are Developmental Milestones?

    • Where you fit in as an Allied Healthcare Practitioner

    • DOWNLOAD - Table of Developmental Milestones

    • Table of Developmental Milestone in Newborns 1

    • Table of Developmental Milestone in Newborns 2

    • DOWNLOAD - Table of Observations of Cranial Newborn Dysfunctions

    • Table of Observations of Cranial Newborn Dysfunctions p. 1

    • HOMEWORK INSTRUCTIONS developmental milestones

    • Table of Observations of Cranial Newborn Dysfunctions p. 2

  • 5

    Module 3. Approaches to Palpation & Assessment

    • Goals of Pediatric versus Adult Osteopathic Treatment

    • Cranial Nerves to Remember during Pediatric Assessment

    • Why Use Such a Gentle Touch?

    • "Listening" with your Hands during a Cranio-Sacral Assessment

    • "Listening with your Hands" during Visceral Assessment

    • Overview of a Short Pediatric Assessment

    • video - Overview of a Short Pediatric Assessment

    • Standard Initial Assessment & Treatment Protocol

    • video - Standard Initial Assessment

    • Using the Pediatric Evaluation Worksheet


    • Basic treatment steps following an Assessment


    • Practicing on Adults when Newborns are not available

    • DOWNLOAD - Worbook

  • 6

    Webinar - Approaches to Palpation & Assessment

    • Info about this Webinar

    • Webinar - Approaches to Palpation & Assessment

  • 7

    Module 4. Overview of Common Pediatric Cranial Dysfunctions

    • Why review the Cranial Mechanism?

    • VIDEO: Review of the Cranial Mechanism

    • Plagiocephaly or Compression of the Occiput

    • Etiology of Plagiocephaly

    • Antero – posterior compression

    • Etiology of Antero – posterior compression

    • Lateral Strains

    • Etiology of Lateral Strains

    • Transverse compression

    • Intro to video Cranial Abnormalities at Birth

    • video - Cranial Abnormalities at Birth

    • Intro to video - General Cranial Assessment of a Newborn

    • video - General Cranial Assessment of a Newborn

    • Cranial Nerves Associated with Newborn Cranial Trauma

    • DOWNLOAD - Table of Cranial Nerves Associated with Newborn Birth Trauma

    • Homework

    • Download - Workbook

  • 8

    Module 5. Congenital Torticolis & Associated Conditions

    • Overview of Congenital Torticolis

    • Etiology of Congenital Torticolis

    • Plagiocephaly & Congenital Torticollis

    • Cranial Patterns related to Congenital Torticolis

    • Why so much emphasis on cranial corrections when treating torticolis?

    • How to Assess for Various Forms of Congenital Torticolis

    • Four Step Treatment Protocol for Torticolis

    • Protocol-For-Congenital-Torticolis

    • DOWNLOADS - Basic Protocol for Treating Congenital Torticolis & Worksheet


    • WORKBOOK DOWNLOAD - Congenital Torticolis

  • 9

    Webinar - Congenital Torticolis

    • Info about this Webinar

    • Webinar - Congenital Torticolis

  • 10

    Module 6. Cranial Moulding Treatment Protocols

    • How Cranial Moulding is Viewed within the Medical Field

    • Cranial Moulding Helmets and Osteopathic Treatment

    • Why Parents Seek Alternatives to Helmets to Achieve Cranial Moulding

    • Why Parents Seek Alternatives to Helmets to Achieve Cranial Moulding

    • Introduction to the Video

    • video - General Cranial Assessment of a Newborn

    • Designing a Treatment Plan

    • Key Points to remember during a Pediatric Cranial Moulding Treatment

    • Cranial Moulding Osteopathic Treatment Protocol

    • Cranial Moulding Occipital Correction Technique

    • Cranial Moulding Frontal Correction Technique

    • Cranial Moulding Vault Molding Technique

    • Cranial Moulding Treatment Protocol

    • Subsequent Cranial Moulding Treatments


    • DOWNLOADS - Cranial Moulding Protocol & Worksheet


  • 11

    Webinar - Cranial Moulding Treatment Protocols

    • Webinar - Cranial Moulding Treatment Protocols

  • 12

    Module 7. Latching & Feeding Difficulties

    • The Importance of Effective Breastfeeding "Failure to Thrive"

    • Risks Associated with Poor Breastfeeding

    • How poor attachment affects a Mother's production of breastmilk

    • Understanding the Etiology of Latching & Feeding Difficulties

    • Cranial “Moulding” & its Relation to Crying and Suckling at Birth

    • The Role of the Osteopath in Latching & Feeding Difficulties

    • Osteopathic Approach to Assessing Latching & Feeding Difficulties

    • Overview Assessing Latching And Feeding Diffculties

    • Individual Techniques for Latching and Feeding Difficulties

    • LatchFeed Occipito Temporal Suture Decompaction #1

    • LatchFeed Mid Cervical Phrenic Nerve Area #2

    • LatchFeed Normalization Of Diaphragm #3

    • LatchFeed Balance Stomach And Diaphragm #4

    • COMPILATION VIDEO - Latching And Feeding Difficulties Treatment Protocol

    • DOWNLOAD: Treatment Protocol for Latching and Feeding Difficulties



    • Latching & Feeding Download Portion

  • 13

    Webinar - Latching & Feeding Difficulties

    • Info about this Webinar

    • Webinar - Latching & Feeding Difficulties

  • 14

    Module 8. Pediatric Digestive Disturbances -Theory

    • Digestive Disturbances – Colic, Reflux Etiology

    • How to Assess for Colic & Reflux in Newborns

    • The Various Functions of the Vagus Nerve

    • Follow the Pathway of the Vague Nerve Throughout the Body

    • The Goal of Osteopathic Treatment for Digestive Dysfunctions

    • Pediatric Digestive Disturbances Download Portion

  • 15

    Module 9. Pediatric Digestive Disturbances - Practice


  • 16

    Webinar - Pediatric Digestive Disturbances

    • Info about this Webinar

    • Webinar - Pediatric Digestive Disturbances

  • 17

    Module 10. Upper Limb Orthopedic Dysfunctions

    • Overview of Shoulder Distocia

    • Understanding the Etiology of Upper Limb Abnormalities

    • Gleno-humeral dysfunctions & adult scapula-thoracic problems

    • How to Identify shoulder dysplasia/distocia

    • Discussion of Individual Techniques for Shoulder Distocia

    • Shoulder Gleno-Humeral Joint #1

    • Shoulder Occipito-Scapular Fascia Stretch #2

    • Shoulder Sterno-Vertebral #3

    • VIDEO Treatment Protocol for Shoulder Distocia

    • Workbook Download - Upper Limb Abnormalities

    • DOWNLOADS: Treatment Protocol for Shoulder Distocia/Displagia & Worksheet



  • 18

    Module 11. Lower Limb Orthopedic Dysfunctions - Theory

    • Overview of Common Lower Limb Abnormalities

    • Medical Prognosis of Lower Limb Pediatric Orthopedic Dysfunctions

    • Case Study of Lower Limb Abnormality

    • Increased Femoral Anteversion


    • Tibial Torsions

    • Differentiating between Femoral Anteversion and Tibial Internal Rotation

    • Genu Varum versus Genu Valgum

    • congenital foot deformity METATARSUS ADDUCTUS


  • 19

    Module 12. Lower Limb Orthopedic Dysfunctions - Practice

    • History Taking & Goal of Osteopathic Treatment

    • General Principles of Assessment & Treatment

    • Assessment Protocol for Lower Limbs in Infants

    • General Treatment Protocol for Lower Limb

    • Lower Limb Treatment #1 - LumboSacral, Hips & Fascia Techniques 1, 2, 3

    • Lower Limb Treatment #2 - Femur, Tibia & Fibula Membrane Techniques 4, 5 6

    • Lower Limb Treatment #3 - Foot Techniques 7, 8, 9 & Balancing

    • VIDEO - Demonstration of Lower Limb Assessment



  • 20

    Webinar - Lower Limb Orthopedic Dysfunctions

    • Info about this Webinar

    • Webinar - Lower Limb Orthopedic Dysfunctions

  • 21

    Module 13. Case Study #1

    • x

    • x

  • 22

    Module 14. Case Study #2

    • How to Use the Cranial Mapping Chart

    • Homework: Practicing a Case Study of Unresolved Plagiocephaly

    • Homework: Practicing a Case Study of Torticollis

    • Homework: Practicing a Case Study of Colic

    • Mapping Brain Function


  • 23

    Module 15. Case Study #3

    • x

  • 24

    Scheduling your Zoom Coaching Session

    • x

  • 25

    About your Instructor

    • Maureen Norah Maher, BA, DO(Qc), DOMP Osteopath Practitioner and Educator

    • How to Contact us

About the instructor

Educational Director & Instructor

Maureen Hannah Maher

Since Maureen began teaching, she found that not only does she have a natural gift for it (her parents were both teachers, so let hear it for genetics!), she found that she also holds a great desire to give back to the community and a profession that has been so fulfilling to her, and share over twenty years of acquired experience and knowledge.   Maureen brings extensive knowledge in Osteopathy  to her educational seminars.  Throughout her career which began in Montreal in 2003, Maureen has been an accredited member in good standing in several provinces across Canada, including the CPMDQ (Quebec), OsteopathyBC (British Columbia), OFOP (Ontario) and SCMMAC (Quebec). Like many classically trained Manual Osteopaths in Canada, Maureen wrote a thesis as part of her Osteopathy training. Hers was within the field of Cranial Osteopathy, on the Prevalence of Muscle and Myofascial Chain Link Dysfunctions and the Temporal Bone. Maureen was also an Associate Overseas member of the Australian Osteopathic Association (AOA) from 2008 to 2011.  After undergoing accreditation evaluation for foreign trained Osteopaths in Perth, Western Australia, Maureen was offered a position in one of Singapore's leading Osteopathic Clinics, giving her the distinction of having been the first Canadian trained Osteopath to be approved to practice  in South East Asia.   Right before the worldwide economic collapse in 2010, Maureen was offered a position in Shanghai China, which required accreditation with the GOSC, UK, which she began, but as prevailing economic conditions worsened, the position was put on hold, and Maureen decided instead to settled in Toronto, Canada, where after reluctantly accepting a poorly paid teaching contract, her students began asking her to design courses in more specialized subjects within Osteopathy, including Women's Health and Pediatrics.  It was not long after that Maureen founded the Center for Continuing Education of Osteopathy & Manual Therapy where she continued to innovate every day! Today, Maureen still teaches continuing education courses in specialized fields of Osteopathic Manual Therapy. Her students say that Maureen's teaching style is animated, engaging, but most importantly, informative.  Her gift lies in communicating complex theories in simple terms and analogies.  Her students come away with a clear grasp of Osteopathic concepts for treatment, and practical knowledge of how to apply them.  In more recent years, Maureen has created online versions of some of her most popular courses, and it is thanks to this new era of online learning that Osteopaths throughout Canada and throughout the world have been able to use Maureen's teachings and treatment protocols to help women, infants, and the general public find relief from the bodily dysfunctions that are so amenable to osteopathic manual treatments. Practitioners who enroll in any of our continuing education courses can contact Maureen at any time by email or pre-arranged phone call with clinical questions.  As a result, many Osteopaths worldwide still consult with her today regarding challenging Osteopathy cases.  


 "I want to thank you for the course information. I definitely became more confident in treating newborns and toddlers since taking this course and I appreciate that."

Jack M., Manual Osteopathic Practitioner, Ontario, Canada

Courses that are not included in the Self Paced Pediatric Osteopathy Certification Program that might interest you

  • $245.00

    $245.00Primitive & Retained Reflexes in Pediatric Osteopathy (self paced-start anytime) 8 hours

    Buy Now