This is a Level II course because of its specialized subject with Pediatrics but is open to all Practitioners with no specific pre-requisites.

This is an eight hour theory class with a three part demonstration video, a downloadable Reflex Testing Chart for clinical use and no practical assignments. 

As with all of our online courses, you can log in from anywhere and at anytime to learn with us.   You have access to the course material for one full year.

If you are curious about the neurological development of infants and what the various reflexes look like and why they exist, this course is for you!

If you are a Practitioner considering focusing your Practice on Pediatric Osteopathy, this brief course is a good place to start.

If you are a Pediatric Osteopathy who would like to deepen your knowledge of infant developmental milestones and how to test for them as part of your Initial Assessment, this course is definitely for you!

Treating Newborns means being able to do a complete and thorough Intake Assessment of the Child.  Assessing for Primitive Reflexes is part of that Intake and is one of the first steps in identifying whether the Newborn is experiencing any developmental delays, whether you should consider referring the Newborn out or treating them yourself.

If you are considering focusing your practice on Pediatric Osteopathy, consider starting here.

In this medically evidence based online course you will learn ...

- What is the purpose of Primitive Reflexes in the survival of a Newborn. 

- How to Perform a Step by Step Guide to Test for Primitive Reflexes .

- The true meaning of the term "Retained Primitive Reflexes".

 How Retained Primitive Reflexes are related to Developmental Delays.

 How your assessment findings will inform your Osteopathy practice.

What you get:

- Access to demonstration videos of a Step by Step Evaluation of Primitive Reflexes will be available for you to watch as many times as you want

- Assessment form for you to download and use in your Clinic or Birth related Practice.

- Complete access to the course for one full year 365 days

- Certificate of Completion for eight continuing education or continuing professional development hours.

Who this course is for / Pre-Requisites:

This course has no pre-requisites and is open to any Practitioner with an interest Neurological Development and Assessment of Newborns.  


Course Curriculum

  • 2

    Chapter 1. What are Primitive Reflexes?

    • Introduction to this chapter with your Instructor

    • What are Primitive Reflexes?

    • The Moro or Startle Reflex

    • The Palmar Grasp Reflex

    • The Rooting Reflex

    • The Symmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex (STNR) or Crawling Reflex

    • The Asymmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex (ATNR)

    • The Spinal Galant Reflex

    • The Tonic Labyrinthine Reflex (TLR)

    • The Landau Reflex

    • The Babinsky Reflex

    • Mapping Brain Function

  • 3

    Chapter 2. What are Retained Primitive Reflexes: Integration & Causes

    • Introduction to this chapter with your Instructor

    • What is a Retained Primitive Reflex?

    • How is a Primitive Reflex Integrated by the Brain ?

    • What Causes Retained Primitive Reflexes ?

    • How Integrated and Retained Primitive Reflexes implies the concept of Neuroplasticity

  • 4

    Chapter 3. Symptom Profile of Various Retained Primitive Reflexes

    • Introduction to this chapter with your Instructor

    • Introduction to this chapter with your Instructor

    • Intro from your Instructor on Retained Primitive Reflexes

    • What does a Retained Moro or Startle Reflex look like?

    • What does a Retained Rooting Reflex look like?

    • What does a Retained Palmar Grasp Reflex look like?

    • What does a Retained Symetrical Tonic Neck Reflex or Retained Crawling Reflex look like?

    • What does a Retained Asymmetrical tonic neck reflex look like?

    • What does a Retained tonic labyrinthine reflex look like?

    • What does a Retained Spinal Galant Reflex look like?

    • What does a Retained Landau Reflex look like?

    • What does a Retained Babinsky Reflex and Retained Plantar Reflex look like?

  • 5

    Chapter 4. The Implications of Primitive Reflexes in Your Osteopathic Practice

    • Introduction to this chapter with your Instructor

    • Chart Primitive Motor Reflexes & Their Impact on a Child's Function

    • What the Moro or Startle Reflex means in your Osteopathic Practice

    • What the The Rooting Reflex means in your Osteopathic Practice

    • What the Palmar Grasp Reflex means in your Osteopathic Practice

    • What the Symetrical Tonic Neck Reflex or the Crawling Reflex means in your Osteopathic Practice

    • What the tonic labyrinthine reflex means in your Osteopathic Practice

    • What the Spinal Galant Reflex means in your Osteopathic Practice

    • What the Landau Reflex means in your Osteopathic Practice

  • 6

    Chapter 5. Download Practice Chart for Clinical Use

    • Introduction to this chapter with your Instructor

    • Testing Chart Download

  • 7

    Chapter 6. Primitive Reflexes Testing in Your Osteopathic Practice


    • demo part 1

    • demo part 2

    • demo part 3

    • demo part 4

  • 8

    About your Instructor

    • Maureen Norah Maher, BA, DO(Qc), DOMP Osteopath Practitioner and Educator

    • How to Contact us

For Practitioners who require training in classical Cranial Osteopathy

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    $395.00Part 1. The Fundamentals of Cranial Osteopathy: A Biomechanical Approach to Understanding & Assessing the Cranial Mechanism (30 hrs) self paced - start anytime

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About the instructor

Educational Director & Instructor

Maureen Hannah Maher

Since Maureen began teaching, she found that not only does she have a natural gift for it (her parents were both teachers, so let hear it for genetics!), she found that she also holds a great desire to give back to the community and a profession that has been so fulfilling to her, and share over twenty years of acquired experience and knowledge.   Maureen brings extensive knowledge in Osteopathy  to her educational seminars.  Throughout her career which began in Montreal in 2003, Maureen has been an accredited member in good standing in several provinces across Canada, including the CPMDQ (Quebec), OsteopathyBC (British Columbia), OFOP (Ontario) and SCMMAC (Quebec). Like many classically trained Manual Osteopaths in Canada, Maureen wrote a thesis as part of her Osteopathy training. Hers was within the field of Cranial Osteopathy, on the Prevalence of Muscle and Myofascial Chain Link Dysfunctions and the Temporal Bone. Maureen was also an Associate Overseas member of the Australian Osteopathic Association (AOA) from 2008 to 2011.  After undergoing accreditation evaluation for foreign trained Osteopaths in Perth, Western Australia, Maureen was offered a position in one of Singapore's leading Osteopathic Clinics, giving her the distinction of having been the first Canadian trained Osteopath to be approved to practice  in South East Asia.   Right before the worldwide economic collapse in 2010, Maureen was offered a position in Shanghai China, which required accreditation with the GOSC, UK, which she began, but as prevailing economic conditions worsened, the position was put on hold, and Maureen decided instead to settled in Toronto, Canada, where after reluctantly accepting a poorly paid teaching contract, her students began asking her to design courses in more specialized subjects within Osteopathy, including Women's Health and Pediatrics.  It was not long after that Maureen founded the Center for Continuing Education of Osteopathy & Manual Therapy where she continued to innovate every day! Today, Maureen still teaches continuing education courses in specialized fields of Osteopathic Manual Therapy. Her students say that Maureen's teaching style is animated, engaging, but most importantly, informative.  Her gift lies in communicating complex theories in simple terms and analogies.  Her students come away with a clear grasp of Osteopathic concepts for treatment, and practical knowledge of how to apply them.  In more recent years, Maureen has created online versions of some of her most popular courses, and it is thanks to this new era of online learning that Osteopaths throughout Canada and throughout the world have been able to use Maureen's teachings and treatment protocols to help women, infants, and the general public find relief from the bodily dysfunctions that are so amenable to osteopathic manual treatments. Practitioners who enroll in any of our continuing education courses can contact Maureen at any time by email or pre-arranged phone call with clinical questions.  As a result, many Osteopaths worldwide still consult with her today regarding challenging Osteopathy cases.  

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 "I want to thank you for the course information. I definitely became more confident in treating newborns and toddlers since taking this course and I appreciate that."

Jack M., Manual Osteopathic Practitioner, Ontario, Canada

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